Sunday, September 7, 2008

harmony fishies


une poeme par jungli september 7th 2008 LA, California USA

shiny penny go go gadget songs
you are almost done with your perfume
you smell nice
it is a sunday afternoon and i have forgotten my tide book
the one i bought at the rusty surf shop
i rush towards the waves of my secluded beach hideout
i climb a tree in my mind
i miss new york city in reality
i am restless
i call god
guess what? i say
i got a blackberry a while back now we can BB messenger
Great s(he) says, though
these days i'm mad busy yo.
fuck it i'll make time for you but listen
i've got bigger problems than your woes me
your songs you were an infidel a thief you stole your own chi you creep
i mean really
i've got a barracuda in a sea of harmony fishies
i've got 6 year olds buried in Afghan rubble
i've got russians doing masti
i've got more war than love and its supposed to be half and half
go buy a piano and work it out will you ?
put me on a plane i say
i'm ready
i'm ready
ahem ( throat clearing )
no my dear no my darling lil harmony fishie
you my friend my BBM buddy are still on


I have mixed half the new EP. Almost ready still on standby
playing once a month at Abbots Habit in Venice come hang s'il vous plait stay tuned
LA Somehow can make one sleepless insert illegal downtown after hrs dance parties and drinking pineapple juice at the bar
my addiction to red mango and the song twice by little dragon is tapering off to normalcy
please note the fresh mandarin oranges and cute as a button staff do not help.
please note little dragon is dope.
please note sarah the barracuda aint sh%t
please note we were born to rock this vote and change the world

more later.

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