Saturday, October 16, 2010

tonight and keep it simple.

saw miike snow tonight at the wiltern in LA they lost power towards the end of their set and had to cut it short... they had a lot of power too jackets that lit up 4 synths electronic drum kits smoke and fog machines crazy light show you get the idea...
it made me think. sometimes...

less is more.

there is so much beauty in both the complex and the simple but 2 nite i am reminded of how beautiful simplicty can be.


Wednesday, October 13, 2010


kickstart it. help me make music and help the man up campiagn.


Monday, October 11, 2010

help .... love ox.

launched the kickstarter campaign today.

if you feel it please share it.


Saturday, October 9, 2010

re mission

Remission a poem

she waltzes on a movie set with panache and an x-ray full of change
bone marrow heartbreak and we go into sudden death
she should probably take up golf and start journaling
while her king plays heir to the throne
i wish she could be the star of shrek 5
and flaunt her satisfaction with the beauty of this world
all over the place
she doesnt even fear anything anymore.
what once tore her heart to pieces
fuels the rhythm of her very being
i bet shes good at everything
i think to myself as she poses for the camera
as she is poised and ready miming
and memorizing lines
these are fucking mezmerizing times.
i can't believe i said fucking at the mosque
well i did
but now i'm in remission
now i'm healing
my hair is growing back
i'm posing for vogue again
the new me
grow til tall
like a blade of grass
like a silicon valley start up
like facebook users
like social media
like metta
like havent you already had enough of this
mais oui.
i'm putting it to an end,
i'm drawing the line
i'm going to win
you will
she does
she is in

Thursday, October 7, 2010

its not you

its me. ( re: the length of my absence _)

about to launch a kickstarter campaign to fund the rest of the ep ( PR music video duping cd's graphics website etc... ) if you see it and you feel it please support it and share i will post it here and on all my interwebnet outlets.

i put up a you tube page as well ; )
as i will be posting videos there of stuff
some sangin' and playin' and yapping.


stay tuned.



p.s. someone take me to see the social network. k thanks